Hello and welcome to my blog!
I used to blog about kids crafts and art. As I love colors and different arts I'm teaching my kids to be creative also. I was taking photos of them and collected step-by-step instructions, then posted online. It's fun and interesting! One drawing can say more then a hundred words, when you learn the meaning of colors, shapes etc. Now that I started studies as a stylist-designer, I see the World even more differently. We truly live on amazing planet and people truly are fantastic! Everything around us is magical, everything!
I think I'm kind of philosophical person, I just can't stop analyzing everyday life. I discover and notice something new very often. Sometimes scary things, sometimes sad, sometimes amazing... . But the fact is, that people have a huge power to create this World. We do need to think more of what we are doing, what we are creating and make things better!
I have big dreams and goals. I know what I want from life and I know what I can give back. So let's wish a long life to my blog and ventures! Cheers!

Photo by Kalli Allik: salt coloring with my kids